Brand : Yokogawa
It is a well known fact that plant data is the basis for all solutions in the process industry. As such, data must be easily captured and accessible to ensure long-term improvement opportunities. Based on open standards, Yokogawa's data historian and PIMS solution captures data easily to provide a valuable bedrock. Our solution is especially unique in that implementation costs are significantly reduced when compared to the alternatives.
As Yokogawa's base for our PIMS and historian solution, Exaquantum’s very tight integration to our Centum VP DCS provides a clear business-directed focus, integrating production data across the enterprise to deliver operational information to the whole business, both locally and worldwide. Exaquantum will provide your business with powerful plant information, managing both business and process control domains to eliminate the gap between business systems and process control by integrating the information to meet your complex and ever changing business requirements.
Key Features
- Easy business-wide information distribution
- Plant data is enhanced and used throughout the business
- Data can be accessed from multiple Process Control Systems
- Provision of long term plant history
- Event-triggered processing of data into business information
- Time-resolved event history
- An integrated platform - Exaquantum runs on Microsoft Windows platforms using industry standard technologies