Brand : VEGA InstrumentsExternal display and adjustment unit for 4 … 20 mA/HART sensorsExternal display and adjustment unit for 4 ... 20 mA/HART sensorsApplication areaThe VEGADIS 82 is suitable for measured value indication and adjustment of 4 … 20 ...
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Model: VEGADIS 82
Company Information
Name : VEGA Instruments Co., Ltd.
Contact : VEGA Instruments Co., Ltd.
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Brand : VEGA Instruments

External display and adjustment unit for 4 … 20 mA/HART sensors

External display and adjustment unit for 4 ... 20 mA/HART sensors

Application area

The VEGADIS 82 is suitable for measured value indication and adjustment of 4 … 20 mA sensors, optionally with HART protocol. The instrument can be looped in any position directly in the signal cable. It operates as pure display instrument in a 4 … 20 mA current loop. Optionally sensors with HART protocol can be operated. The instrument is particularly designed for VEGAPULS (C) 11, 21, 22, 23, 31 and VEGAWELL 52 sensors.

Your benefit

- Time and cost savings during the parameter adjustment on site with PLICSCOM

- Reliable and simple adjustment through clear text indication with graphic support

- Universal use through HART standard parameters
